Friday 21 August 2015

Unstable spine fracture

A young male with history of fall-

There is anterior wedge compression fracture of anterior,mid and posterior columns, rupture of ligamentum flavum and interspinous ligament at D12 level with large subcutaneous hematoma along low back
Ureterocele and VU reflux

A male child-

 MCU study reveals-

No filling defect within the bladder

filling defect at left VUJ with reflux on voiding

filling defect is better appreciated in partially distended bladder than with complete distension
USG reveals-
UB with a cystic lesion

dialated terminal portion of left ureter


Pulmonary edema-
Butterfly shaped air space opacities in bilateral lungs sparing the periphery. Cardiac size may be normal in cardiogenic edema.

Saturday 1 August 2015

A 84 yrs male patient-

DISH- Diffuse Idiopathic Skeletal Hyperostosis involving dorsal spine.