Tuesday 22 March 2016

Cardiac Calcification's

1) Known case of Rheumatic Valvular heart disease and coronary artery disease-
Dense Mitral Annulus calcification
Approximate location-
Brown ring- Mitral valve
Yellow ring- aortic valve
Green ring-pulomnary valve
Purple ring- tricuspid valve
Dark red ring- aortic knuckle
Blue line- pericardial calcification

This case demonstrates calcification of the mitral valve annulus (not to be confused with mitral valve leaflet calcification which is the result of, and can cause, mitral valve disease).
Coarse calcification is seen in the expected location of the mitral valve, to the left of midline.  It is associated with conduction defects and coronary artery disease.
Other causes-
  • Metastatic calcification in the form of myocardial calcinosis  is an entity need to be considered in patients with bone disease, hypercalcemia, hyperphosphatemia, renal disease or those on chronic dialysis. Complications arising from cardiac calcification include valvular dysfunction, complex atrial and ventricular arrhythmias, coronary events and sudden cardiac death.
  • Calcified Peri-cardial cyst
  • Calcified hydatid cyst of heart
  • Intra-cardiac calcified aneurysm
  • calcified old myocardial infarct
  • Rheumatic valvular disease with calcification of the valvular leaflets
  • Atrial appendage calcification ( also in RVHD and myocardial calcinosis)

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