Wednesday 30 March 2016

Child with cough and fever since 15 days:

Right paratracheal and left hilar nodes favour mediastinal Tb.
Lungs are clear.

Lymph node Tb constitutes 20-40% of extra-pulmonary Tb. It is more common in children and women than other forms of extra-pulmonary Tb. It is more common in Asians and Pacific islanders. In developing and underdeveloped countries , it continues to be caused by M.Tuberculosis and atypical mycobacteria are seldomly isolated.

Commonly involved superficial lymph nodes are-

  • Posterior and anterior cervical chain.
  • Submandibular, peri-auricular, inguinal and axillary groups.
  • Intra-throacic ( hilar-paratracheal and mediastinal in decreasing order of frequency)
  • Abdominal nodes.

Frequency of associated pulmonary involvement is 5-62%.

Most patients can be managed medically and surgical intervention is rarely required

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